Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Brewed The Hard Way

As we all know beer commercials are king during the Superbowl and this year's with  my hometown team New England Patriots verses Seattle Seahawks was no different. I did happen to catch the Budweiser talking smack against craft beer in their commercial entitled "Brewed the hard way". Which has the heavy drum beat and horn section marching through dissing craft beer snobs and bragging about being Beechwood aged and all that. I knew this would make for interesting fodder for craft beer enthusiasts on social media. I wasn't disappointed when I checked on line either.

Here it is if you missed it:

To me it say Budweiser isn't ashamed who they are as a macro beer. It isn't a beer to fussed over or analyzed but to be enjoyed by people who like to drink beer. I know those in craft beer circles have been getting their panties in a bunch about this and  I'm sure that was to be expected.

I kind of thought this was a ballsy move by Budweiser. They actually acknowledge the existence of the craft beer movement and they're  not talking it lightly. I think this is a good sign in a way. It means the craft beer community has gotten the attention of the big guys. Welcome to the big time.

Yes I've drank it!

I know Budweiser is synonymous with its parent company AB-InBev but this was a commercial about the Budweiser beer itself and it's brand. It's been taking a beating over the years especially from craft beer enthusiasts(including myself). I've made fun of those that drank this stuff in the past.

I think I've come to the conclusion that the beer community has room for the fizzy water beers too. It actually suits the occasion at times. If people like to drink it so what? To each his own. We should be celebrating beer drinkers all around. Beer consumption has fallen in comparison to wine and liquor. So brewers are fight for a smaller piece of the pie. Of course competition will become fierce. Perhaps the real enemy are those turning to wine and hard liquor instead of beer. Craft beer has been gaining ground in a smaller piece of the same pie as Budweiser and the like.

I'd rather see beer drinkers banding together rather than fighting against each other. If the beer community and consumption grows it makes everyone happy. Infighting does no one any good.

Before I get craft beer nerds crawling up my butt I'll say that I'm a huge craft beer fan and drink lots of it. Nine out of ten beers I drink are of the craft variety. Occasionally I'll have a macro beer and I survive and so will craft beer. I'm through picking on those that drink the big beers. If you want to fuss over beer that is quite alright and if you just want to drink it that it's that's fine too. We need all the beer drinkers we can get.


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