Thursday, November 11, 2010

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall!

IMG_0332I remember singing this song on long car trips as a kid. Obviously it’s an inspiration for this blog. Even though I’ve drank beer for many years as an adult I’ve come to realize how little I know about this wonderful beverage. As a younger adult it was just a means of getting a drunk. Yes it still does that but it’s gone beyond that. After quitting smoking the past year one of the things I noticed is that beer tasted a lot better without that nasty nicotine addiction. That’s amazing considering that the two almost go hand in hand, at least it used to with myself. In the last few months I’ve grown to appreciate beer more and more.

My first experience with beer came as a kid with an older adult(probably inebriated) by taking a sip of beer that was offered. I remember as a kid that it had an awful taste  and wondered why so many adults had this affection for it. I tried some as a teenager but it really wasn’t until I was in the Army that I grew in my usage of this beverage. Of course like many young adults joining the service I became an avid consumer of alcohol. Of course at this age what type of beverage was unimportant as long as it contained alcohol. Many times it was just limited to what your budget was or what was your fancy at the time.

I was lucky enough to be stationed in the holy land of beer lovers,Germany(then West Germany).  The most common type of beer I drank there was what they call Export Beer. Binding Bier was the local favorite where I was living(in Hanau, near Frankfurt). Little did I know that this told me that there was better beer out there somewhere.

My goal with this blog is taste and test at least 99 beers of as many types as possible. I’ll post as many reviews, thoughts, ramblings, rants, and beer related articles as possible. I’m not a professional beer taster or snob so I’ll try and keep it real as possible. Cheers!

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