Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cape Cod Growler Refill

Lonely growler needing a refilling.

This weekend my girlfriend and I were going on a road trip to Cape Cod so I thought this would be a great time to visit the Cape Cod Beer Brewery in historic Hyannis, Massachusetts. I had a growler to refill that I had been waiting since summer. It had originally been filled with their IPA but I was unsure of what to go with this time.

Taps and tanks at Cape Cod Beer, where the magic happens!

 We had previously had visited Cape Cod Beer in the spring time and had the tour, which they do daily at 11:00am each day. It was kind of wet cold New England fall morning on the Cape. They are located in an industrial park close buy to the local malls. This has become one of my favorite places to visit in this touristy area.

I was undecided to what to get a refill of so we decided to go for their sampler deal which you can get 5 - 3oz  samples for $5. You get to keep the glasses. You can also get a pint for same price also. So between my girl and I we get to sample a lot. They had their sample bar located in the open work area so you can cozy up to a mini bar while in full view of the tanks where future brews are being made.

Here's a list of samples we tried this day:

Berry Merry hanging out with Hoppy Holidays.

The Oatmeal Stout, Hoppy Holidays and Session IPA were new releases the day before on 12/12/14. These were top on my list to try first. My girlfriend and I shared samples to we could try more of them. My favorites were the Hoppy Holidays,  Kurt's Farmhouse Saison, Merry Berry and the Oatmeal Stout. My other half really liked the Oatmeal Stout and the Merry Berry. 

After some chatting with other visitors and some more samples we walked away with a growler of the delicious Oatmeal Stout and 22oz bomber of Berry Merry. The Oatmeal Stout had the typical roasted coffee taste that had hint of sweetness in the finish. The Berry Merry Ale is a nice Amber Ale with nice touch of cranberry dry tartness that compliments the malty character nicely it perfectly. 

I can't wait open these back home. Cheers!

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