I finally gotten around to trying this one out. I haven't been impressed with the few "pumpkin beer" I've tried so far, I've only tried a couple of others so you can keep that in mind but I was kind of impressed by this one. Here is my review from Ratebeer.com:
rjplumer (415) - Foxboro, Massachusetts, USA - OCT 31, 20144AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 5/5 OVERALL 16/20A bubbly rich amber red body. Smooth nutmeg and pumpkin aroma that isn’t overwhelming but yet enticing. Has a touch of roasted malt on the nose too. The nutmeg and pumpkin are noticeable to the taste. Has a crisp apple like character also. Smoothness from start to finish as it leaves your palate clean and wet without any negative aftertaste. First "pumpkin beer" to actually impress me. Rather than slamming you pumpkin spice it is subtle and respectful to your sense. Well done.