Sunday, August 31, 2014

Creepy Dude Stay Away!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Drink Beer and Live Longer!

One Beer a Day

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Favorite Cheap Beer?

What's your favorite cheap go-to beer? I came across this question on a Facebook page Beer Drinkers United which went crazy. It seems even though group caters to craft beer enthusiasts that most have a favorite cheap go to cheap beer. It's usually the fizzy water with a touch beer coloring and corn taste we all know complain about. Many of us still drink the cheap stuff it seems. When I go cheap I go to the champagne of beers: Miller High Life. The taste isn't so bad and it tastes great ice cold. Plus it's cheap. Good for getting snookered. 

Neither does one usually worry about what it's paired with. Chicken,fish or burgers won't care what your drinking. No beer snobbery here. Just enough nostalgia to make it appealing. Kind of what beer became after prohibition. Watered down and unoffensive. Is that always bad? Don't get me wrong I love flavorful crafty brews but sometimes a simple cheap beer will due. 

What's your favorite cheap go-to beer?

Craft Brews Chipping Away At Big Beer - All Things Considered (NPR)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Too Many to Choose From?

As a craft beer enthusiast the choice of beers is a gift from heaven. One has to wonder though is it all good? Walk into a craft brew shop and the isle are stuffed with choices. From macro to micro, local to imported the choices are almost overwhelming.Is it all too much to choose from. More and more are are being introduced all the time. With the recent announcement of reaching over 3000 breweries one has to wonder when the bubble will burst or at least plateau. 

I hate say this too but craft beer doesn't always mean good beer either. With all the apple,pumpkin,orange, lemon,apricots,blueberry, potatoes,barrel-aged, malts and hops galore. With all these combinations you have to wonder where does it stop? I understand much of it is the goal of finding something that is unique and hope that people will like it. I'm all for being creative and we should always have those that push the envelope. Not all of them are great. Some combination's just don't work and end up down the drain. Honestly at an average of $10 bucks a six pack for craft beer(in my area)that's an expensive gamble. My favorite stores usually have a mix-a-six deal so that's how I try them out.

 On a side note I've noticed that "session IPA's" coming out. Aren't they just an "IPA Light" and so wouldn't a normal Pale Ale be just the same? I digress.

 Just picking out a mix-a-six at my local beer store can be overwhelming with all the choices. Let's face it even though some brewers and beer media like to think all of them having this utopian vision of all beer makers loving each other and all one big happy family. Well that's bull deep down inside even as I'm sure most of them would like you to pick there's and choose it often. Like you and I they have to make a living too. It's not just "Big Beer" who want's you plunk down your hard earned green back's for their brew. 

I think it's a good idea to work on perfecting your "go-to" brew or flagship beer to speak. To use local examples like, Samuel Adam's Boston Lager, Harpoon IPA,, Mayflower IPA and Cape Cod Red. Sometimes it takes awhile like Harpoon's IPA was originally a seasonal offering that grew to it's flagship beer due it's popularity. It'll be you backbone that will allow to experiment and grow in the future.