From his list first:
- Miller High Life - For short period of time before my "craft brew" experience started this was my "go-to-cheap-get-drunk-on-weekend-beer". It is what it is as a cheap flagship brand. Once I started drinking quality brews it fell by the wayside of course. I'd drink it above many other mass-produced macro beers.
- Blue Moon - This one is an alright beer. Not the best of it's style but may be an intro brew to more interesting ones.
- Killian's Red - This one was a personal favorite of mine before I was into craft brews. I was somewhat disappointed to find out it was Miller/Coors product but it didn't stop me from drinking it. I have some in my stock right now as I write this. Smithwick's and O'Hara's are more authentic "Irish Red's" (Sam Adam's makes a god one too).
- Heineken- I've heard people say "Oh I've tried different beer's like Heineken. That counts too right?" Never understood why some swear by this European skunk tasting lager. Definitely overrated.
- Yuengling - Finally came to my area this year. This was the definition of over hyped beer. Although I admit it's better than the bigger macro brewed lager's it's only an above average brew at best.
- Corona - See Heineken but add lime. Without the lime they taste the same. If I want lime in my beer I'll do a Bud Light Lime(yes I do drink them).
- Stella Artios - Belgium's version of Heineken and Corona...blech!
- Bass Pale Ale - This is one I feel is underrated. It taste great and has some character to it. Not quite sure why it's gotten a bad rep. If it tastes good why knock it? I do stock some occasionally like Killian's Red.
- Magic Hat#9 - It was this IPA (and another which I'll name later which is actually an Imperial IPA though) I tried early on in my craft brew virginity and I was unimpressed by it. To put it nicely I thought it sucked. It was one that kind of scared me away from IPA's in the beginning.
- North Coast Old Rasputin - An acquaintance raved about this one so I tried it. Although very good not a knockout in my opinion. Admittedly I'm not as crazy about this style as many are
- Anchor Steam - Kind of feel the same way as I hate to admit it on this one. I love Anchor's Liberty Ale(which I think is underrated), Porter(a knockout in this style) and the newer IPA. I was unimpressed by Steam beer although this seems to be their signature style.
- Red Stripe - An unimpressive (not the worst though) Pale Lager with a a good ad agency.
Now for a couple of my own:
- Dogfish Head 90 Minute - I may catch hell for this one. I first tried this one because all the hype of being voted #1 IPA in USA hype when(at the time I tried it) I was young and naive in my craft beer experience so I said why not. All I can think about when I drink it is apricots. I'm sorry to offend some but this is a turn off. A huge one. It was a complete disappointment and waste of $15 I spent on a four pack which took me six months to drink. I tried it every so often to see maybe I just had one bad tasting but they were usually drain pours. In contrast I can't get enough of DFH's 60 minute IPA so I guess Sam Calagione has redeemed himself.
- Pabst Blue Ribbon - Not sure why this is popular with hipsters and rednecks. I see PBR and think of Clint Eastwood in his movie "Gran Torino". Great movie(and product placement) but crappy beer. Drink Schlitz if you want to go old-school in my opinion.